Friday, July 24, 2020

Breezy Hill WI 2020

So much has changed since our last stay two years ago. We were on the outskirts of the campground near an empty field, now our old site is almost centered in the back section of sites, which a good portion are now seasonal. As for activities, they have not changed. We ordered in a bin of wood for cooking and camp fires. I sorted the wood, stored it under the trailer in case of rain (which it did), and split some for kindling. We didn't use all the wood so we gave it to a friend that showed up before we left.

DISCLAIMER: I will not be posting pictures of our son's family, so you need to believe we have a son who is married with children.

Our granddaughter wanted a camping birthday this year, so our son and his wife rented one of the cabins for a part of their stay, and celebrate their daughter's birthday.

Our site this year was close to the center of all the fun, and across from the pool. This year the weather was much warmer than two years ago so the grand kids spent some time in the pool, and the swimming pond. If our grand daughter wasn't swimming, she was jumping on the blow up pillow or swinging, grandson and mom hung around the trailer with the grandparents, dad went to the fishing ponds in search of the monster bass. 

When we were all together we feasted on all the meat available in the county. We ate brats of all flavors, steak from many cows, and pig galore, not much in the area of vegetables, but there was some fruit. One night we actually had pizza; one was pepperoni, the other was lasagna. One morning I cooked chorizo bacon Carol found at one of the stores here, and it was a hit with everyone. Carol and I both feel the blah from so much meat, no veggie diet. We didn't even go for ice cream this year.

This year Breezy Hill celebrated Christmas in July. They encouraged each site to decorate for the weekend we celebrated Christmas. People were told to be on the look out for Santa (as seen pulled by a tractor). Saturday evening all the folks on the hay rides were driven through the sites, then had the opportunity to vote for their favorite decorated site. The winning site received a free night of camping. Our son, granddaughter, and I went on the hay ride and saw some pretty dressed up sites. 

Some of our guests for your enjoyment. The caterpillar will turn into a Whited-marked tussock moth. The spider is a yellow sac spider, not a big threat. Not much to say about the squirrel and grasshopper. 

It was a very enjoyable time with the kids and grand kids. We are already planning for next year, but for now it is off to Austin Minnesota.

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