Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Over Half Way Through our Stay

Let's expand a bit on what Carol has been doing as part of the Ranch House Committee. There is a list that looks for volunteers to coordinate events, Carol and one of our friends coordinated the events for January and February.

Carol and I found a website that lists days that different items are celebrated on (i.e. national pie day, national soup day, etc.). What Carol is doing is putting certain days on a dry mark board that the Ranch is going to entertain.

This is February's schedule of events.

In January we had celebrated chili day, pie day, chocolate cake day, and a couple others too.


There are a few of us newcomers that are trying to bring the Ranch alive again, and so far we are making some progress.

In between the events Carol has coordinated, she took time to do a couple of puzzles she found during ranch house clean up.
These puzzles are made of wood, and have unique pieces, but she had fun doing them. I myself was out somewhere on the park getting dirty. 

Last post I spoke about a leak that a couple of us repaired, and that was going to add a sign for it...

I also failed to mention a minor replacement project we needed to do...
Our original microwave was taking a journey down to replacementville, and we helped it along. The fan sounded like someone was warming up their NASCAR race car, and it refused to heat up above 300 degrees.


Its not on the event board, but we celebrated soup day.
The next event will be pizza day, it should be interesting.

Pizza day arrived, some of the cooking participants actually used their own, or Ranch House ovens to cook their homemade pizzas, while others used the skills of local artisans.
The skilled artisan pizzas ranged from Dominos, Little Caesars, to a frozen, throw in the oven style. On the other hand, the "several cooks" put their imagination to work.
The top pizza was an upside down pizza that started with the ingredients in the pan first, then the crust, and it was very good because the crust was not soggy. Carol on the other other (yes, intentional) hand chose to use slices of sourdough bread. She topped hers with pepperoni, cheese, and drained crushed pineapple. This recipe is a "no sauce" pizza, which made it easy to eat without fear of sauce drippage.

The pizza party was on a Friday. Around here a couple of days can make a total difference in the weather. Friday was a warm sort of day, colder after sunset.
Here we are on Super Bowl Sunday before kick-off. The snow didn't say long, but while it was here, it brought 30 to 40 mph winds from the north. That north wind flash froze any standing puddles. 
By the time for pre-game setup, the winds died down and the little amount of snow was vanishing. The snacks ranged from the usual chips and dip to gumbo soup. There were weiners wrapped in bacon, sausages wrapped in dough, and black eyed pea and ham soup. We weren't lacking for snacks. All I needed was for the 49er's to win... again... not this time.

I'm off to read water meters. I'm sure there will be one more post before we leave.

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