Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Continuing On to the Granite State


The drive between the states was a beautiful drive when one is not use to seeing so much green. It makes me wonder if I have the wrong contacts in.

At a scenic point in Vermont we pulled over to see what the big to do was...
You see it... look past all that green stuff. Ok, I'll zoom in for you.

This is an earthen dam that is 2273 feet long and 170 feet tall. Through various methods it is capable of discharging 99,000 cubic feet of water per second when everything is open. The power plant can generate over 162,000 Kw of electricity, supplying 5% of New England's electricity.

A good portion of the drive actually ran parallel to the state border, then we crossed the river and made the turn...
There it is on the right, WELCOME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE. This state doesn't understand what brown looks like either.
We only drove 40 or 50 miles into New Hampshire, but most of it looked like this. It was farther apart on the interstate, but just as green. The Lord gave us a great traveling day, no wind or rain, just good ole sunshine.

The campground we stopped at for a few days was called "White Birches Camping Resort". I had to scratch my head a little when I was driving to our site:
That there road between the trees was the entrance to the portion of the campground we were at. Do not fear, the trees are separated enough to get RVs through, and we got through too.

The funny thing was that I didn't see a cotton pickin' birch tree. After we got settled in I did take a walk around the campground and found the white birches, they were in the front section of the campground... and right out our window.

Our spot was a beautiful spot, and spacious too.

I took another walk to look at the tent camping spots, and some of them are outstanding, they're hidden in the trees. Here are a few other options for camping without an RV:

I stopped in the office to inquire about the little gnat looking bugs, and to my surprise, they are a northern version of the no-see-ums. I also learned why they were all over me... they love bug repellants and lotions, which I had both on. Gotta love camping in nature.👴😉

Being that we were not staying but a couple of nights, I didn't unhook, just leveled us some. Leaving here we headed to Houlton, Maine.

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